God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. 1 Corinthians 1:28-29
We’d never seen so many turtles in one day! Canoeing on the Lower St. Regis, we discovered one turtle after another, sunbathing on logs. Our game was to try and get close enough to shoot a good photo before each turtle slipped (or plopped) back into the water.
The best place for turtles was really boggy. We scootched the canoe in close to a mossy expanse of pitcher plants, baby tamaracks, and cattails. I noticed wild cranberries growing just above the water and leaned over the side to get a photo; that’s when I noticed that we were surrounded by turtles! I could see them watching us, their heads just out of the water. They blended in with the vegetation around them.
Although the water appeared shallow, if we had stepped out of the canoe we’d have been up to our necks in muck! The turtles were buried in silt, their heads just above the tranquil water. Out of the corner of my eye I caught movement under the surface of the muck below me; I plunged in my hand and pulled out a beautiful painted turtle!
After a couple of photos, I released him. Immediately he burrowed back into the silt. His face reappeared in a hole - a perfect little window - in the silt below the water. He watched me; safe from that vantage point.
A turtle lives by staying low. He needs and craves the life on the log, stretched out in the sun, but that's not where he finds safety. His safety is in the dirt, under the surface of the water. He lives by dying. A turtle can spend 4 months of the year almost as frozen as the peas in your freezer - frozen as a clod of dirt - under the ice on a pond, under the silt of a stream. (He continues to take in a small amount of oxygen through his skin, so don't try putting any turtles in your freezer at home!) He “dies” with autumn and thaws with the spring sun. He knows how to abandon himself to death so he can live.
The word “humility”comes from a Latin word that derives its meaning from a word for “grounded,” or “earth.” (Humus.) We, too, find our life by dying, by abandoning ourselves to the purposes of God.
Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor. Proverbs 29:23 (NIV)
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